In our shipping calculator, you can see estimated shipping rates for items you want to forward to a desired location. These are discounted rates to us offered by major shippers: FedEx, DHL, UPS, USPS, and Aramex. When requesting a shipment, you can view different rates and select the one that works best for you.
Please note: The shipping calculator only goes up to a maximum weight of 100lbs. However, the maximum weight for USPS is 70lbs, and for UPS/DHL/FedEx it is 150lbs.
Here's how to use the calculator:
1. Visit the following page to view the calculator:
You will see this page:
2. Select the destination country and city and zip code and select "Letter/Envelope" or "Package" depending on what you are shipping. If selecting "package", move the green circle to the estimated weight of the box.
a. Selecting a Letter:
b. Selecting a Package:
3. Click the orange "Get Shipping Rates" button and you will see the different shipping rates we offer:
For each rate, the calculator also shows if we can ship today, ETA (estimated business days for arrival), and 2 rates:
Our Rate: is the discounted rate we are getting from the shipper for you
Retail: is the rate you would pay if you went to a local store or online and paid for the same shipment.
The rates are estimates only and not exact rates. This is because our system runs an algorithm that combines the size and weight of your packages and estimates what it thinks the combined item box size and weight will be.
We know the exact weight and size only upon packing and shipping where we weigh the final outgoing letter/package. In 90% of the cases, our exact rate is LESS than what is estimated in the shipping calculator.
Additionally, depending on where you choose to ship to in the world, we can provide you with discounts of up to 80% off the retail rate. That's huge savings for you!
If you have an account with us and are ready to place a shipment request, you can do so using this guide: Placing a Shipment Request.
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