If you see a difference between the shipping quotes and charges, here are some possible reasons:
1. Shipping rates change after 12 hours
Our rates are pulled from shippers directly. The rates you see are the rates provided by FedEx, DHL, UPS, and USPS.
The shippers calculate rates based on a variety of factors including how much space and availability they have on the planes they are flying to the destination country. So the rates may fluctuate based on the available space. This is one the reasons you may see one rate one day and a different rate the next day.
We guarantee the rate once you choose the shipper and place the shipment request. At that time, the rate is locked down with the shipper via our system.
2. Changes in packaging the shipments
When unpacking and consolidating the items, we need to ensure proper packaging for your items' safety. For example, we might need a we need a bigger envelope that will not bend a magazine when packing. Or a fragile item might need more bubble warp and therefore a larger box than estimated by our system, which does not take into account the type of items in the shipment.
3. System or inputting errors
Although we handle over 3 million pieces of mail every year with the error rate on par with six sigma levels (less than 3 errors per million letters per year), human errors happen. For example: incorrectly inputting the shipment weight for the item, or incorrect size of the box.
If you see such discrepancies, please contact us immediately. If we make a mistake, we take full ownership and will fix it right away, and credit the difference in the two amounts to your account asap.
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